Monday, January 21, 2008

There's something to be said for waiting...

In the past month and a half it's seemed like my life at the moment is really coming together. A huge source of worry for me was where I'd go to college, and being a senior, of course that's something people asked me all the time! And then there was my job wasn't long before I got so bored with working at DSW. My energetic, high-capacity nature couldn't handle straightening up shoe boxes for five hours at a time! So those two issues were really a burden to me. I started praying often for God to somehow show me a way to get outta where I was. Well, it wasn't long before I got an invitation to Lindenwood's open house day. I went to that, and decided I really liked the school! At the end of the program they looked at my academic record and said I could go there for $2,600 per year- that's including room/board, meal plans, etc. Soon after I decided to take them up on that offer, I realized what a gift from God it was. It's a smaller school, close to home, and I won't need crazy student loans or anything. What a relief to have that taken care of! And then about a month ago, I started looking for a new job. After a couple days of hearing "Well, we're not hiring right now but we can keep your application for up to six months..." I was about ready to give up. On my way home, I figured I'd stop by Bread Co as a last resort. I talked to one of the managers and decided to apply there. The next day, she called and wanted to set up an interview. They said I was hired and could start after job training; wouldn't ya know, the training day was within a few days of when my two weeks' notice at DSW would end. I've worked at Bread Co for a few weeks now and I love it! It's the perfect job for me; it keeps me busy, I didn't take a pay cut, my managers are awesome, and they work around my schedule. You can't imagine how incredibly grateful I am for God's provision I've seen lately in my life. It's so reassuring- I had a hard time at first trusting God to take care of things in His time. But I did, and He gave me what I thought would be fairly impossible to have. I'm really glad He knows what He's doing :)


Jessica Sanford said...

It's amazing what God will do when we just... relax. :) I am happy for you, and I look forward to seeing how God grows you in this new season of life!

Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

God is blessing your obedience. You have responded to His promptings with patience and trust. His desire is to bless us and your response has opened the door to His blessings. May they continue!

C.R. Goodwin said...

You need to post more.